landing time中文什么意思

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  1. Then , the problem of landing time decision for each plane was solved by disparting and uniting the " compact flights sequence " , and computational results were presented for simulated scenarios
  2. The problem of terminal dynamical sorting and the landing time decision for each plane were researched in this paper . and the approach seat , one module of guangzhou area air traffic flow management system was introduced
  3. The wrf ( v1 . 2 ) system is used to simulate the landing process of winnie in 1997 , and results show that the track , landing time , and landing position of winnie calculated using the common land model ( clm ) and the initial field of 0800 bst on 18th august 1997 are closer to the reality ( fig . 4 . 3 ) than those in the other 7 experiments , indicating the better forecast and simulation capability of the wrf model than the others
    应用wrfv1 . 2版系统对1997年登陆台风winnie进行了数值预报模拟研究,结果表明,用通用陆面模式( clm )对8月18日08时初始场计算得到的winnie移动路径、登陆时间及地点(见图4 . 3 )比其它七个试验的计算结果更接近实际情况。表明wrf模式有较强的预报模拟能力。
  4. The mo - dified first - come - first - served algorithm , time - adva nc e algorithm and constrained position - shift algorithm are put forward to automat ically plan the most efficient landing order , to assign optimal spaced landing times to all arrivals without violate the spacing requirements for different typ es of aircraft and to enhance the usage of the runway under heavy traffic condit ion in the terminal area


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  9. landing transition 什么意思
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